P E R F O R M A N C E   S I L I C O N E S

Automotive & Transportation

Within your typical car, there are thousands of parts to be bonded, sealed, cushioned, and lubricated. And every component needs to withstand the rigors of a long life on the road.

Novagard’s portfolio of foam and silicone products are sourced by manufacturers and suppliers across the automotive supply chain. Foam Seal PVC foams are used under the hood, around the interior, and throughout the exterior trim to seal out contaminants and reduce vibration. Our Versilube silicone greases lubricate and protect everything from engine sensors to windshield wiper motors and brake systems. Our industrial silicones permanently affix badging and interior trim. Novagard hybrids are used for body and chassis assembly and sealants for commuter cars up to busses and big rigs.

Foam Seal Foams conform to multiple automotive material specifications including:

  • GMW 15473* Type II, Class II (both interior and exterior applications) *supersedes GM6086
  • GMW 17408 Type II, Class II (both interior and external applications)
  • GMW 17408 Class II Type III (both interior and exterior applications)
  • GMW 17408 class IV, Type II
  • GMW 17408 Class IV, Type III
  • GMW 17408 Class IV, Type IV
  • Ford ESB-M3G102-A
  • Chrysler MSAY-500 Type III
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