P E R F O R M A N C E   S I L I C O N E S

Water, Energy, & Power

The stresses placed on one’s electrical equipment in this market are extraordinary. Which is why it’s key to select adhesives and sealants with the performance characteristics needed to work dependably under challenging conditions.

Novagard’s line of electronics grade silicones offer extreme thermal stability, and perform at temperatures ranging from -40˚C to 200˚C with no degradation. The high chemical purity and minimum water absorption ensure the superior level of dielectric and insulation performance needed to handle modern power operating at many thousands of volts.

Advantages to selecting a two-part, moisture cure silicone:

  • Neutral cure/safe for electronics
  • Great room temperature adhesion
  • Fast strength build (green strength)
  • Excellent deep section cure
  • Moderate heat (up to 70°C) can speed cure rate
  • Limited risk of inhibition
  • Various mix ratios



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