P E R F O R M A N C E   S I L I C O N E S


We’ve moved from “can you hear me now” to being able to access just about anything from your phone. Improvements in bandwidth and mobile architecture designs keep changing the game. The greater power density of 5G has produced increased levels of heat, yet towers and devices are exposed to harsh weather conditions 24/7.

Novagard’s electronics grade silicone adhesives and sealants protect sensitive components in some of the harshest conditions on earth. They not only resist 5G’s higher temperatures, their low modulus means they also relieve a superior amount of stress when materials expand. Their high insulation resistance results in excellent EMI shielding. And their superior hydrolytic stability is especially important in protecting towers, base stations, and transmitters from high humidity, rain, or snow.

Advantages to selecting a silicone cured with UV light:

  • 3 – 5 second cure
  • Total cost of ownership is lowered
  • No work in process/can immediately move to the next manufacturing step
  • High-energy ovens are replaced with low-energy UV LED options
  • Low capital equipment footprint
  • Sustainable
  • Convenient, single component format
  • Very little to no shrinkage
  • Dual cure options to cure shadow areas
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