Glazing Products
A Complete Line of High Performance Glazing Silicones
Novagard has been serving the window manufacturing industry for over 30 years, and during that time we have developed a robust line of window glazing silicones. All of our glazing silicones are designed and manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance, meeting and exceeding all industry standards.
As a proud member of FGIA, all of our glazing products are tested and certified to the appropriate AAMA standards.
Glazing Types
- High Impact – for hurricane zones
- Ultra-Low Migration (ULM) – to protect the IG units against leaks
- Beaded – simple and easy with the shim built in!
- Qwik-Set – our fastest glazing products for highest OPM

NovaFlex Qwik-Set Low Migration Glazing Sealant

NovaFlex Qwik-Set Portable Adhesive & Glazing Sealant

NovaFlex Beaded Glazing/Bedding Compound

NovaFlex Ultra-Low Migration Glazing Sealant

NovaFlex Ultra-Low Migration High Impact Sealant

NovaFlex High Impact Glazing Sealant (M400 series)