P E R F O R M A N C E   S I L I C O N E S   |   W O M A N   O W N E D

Innovative Silicones for Medical Device Electronics

Medical wearables and other wellness-related electronic devices are aiding healthcare professionals with self-monitoring and remote diagnostic tools. These potentially lifesaving devices have sparked the imagination of device engineers around the world, who are racing to pack more capabilities into these devices than ever before, while increasing durability and extending battery life.

Many of these devices contain miniature, stretchable, electronic components requiring sealants, adhesives, and coatings that can provide the same degree of movement and flexibility – a role where silicones excel. Designers and engineers are turning to Novagard for electronics grade silicones that provide the rare combination of increased flexibility and high temperature resistance with maximum stress relief and thermal stability. Utilizing an alkoxy cure mechanism, our electronics grade silicones release a non-corrosive methanol, which isn’t harmful to sensitive electronics.

Novagard will be at MD&M West 2025 with samples of our silicones on flexible electronics and other demonstrations of our products. Stop by booth #2032 and/or fill out this form for more information or to schedule a meeting.

Discover how Novagard can assist in your next project! Call us at 216-881-8111 or fill out the form below.

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