P E R F O R M A N C E   S I L I C O N E S   |   W O M A N   O W N E D

As the owner and CEO, I am proud to be one of the only woman-owned manufacturers of silicone coatings, adhesives, sealants, and PVC foams. I am delighted that Novagard is making strides in improving diversity in the manufacturing sector.

Women are historically underrepresented in manufacturing, and it can be a challenge to attract women to this profession. But our industry has so much to offer candidates. I strongly believe that we are building an inclusive, diverse team here at Novagard, where we respect each other and value the contributions made by employees in all departments.

By diversifying our workforce, we are stronger. We see balance in the bigger picture, with different perspectives resulting in more innovative and creative approaches and solutions. Our employees are encouraged to learn new skills and share insights from their experiences to improve processes, products, and productivity.

We have an exceptional company focused on delivering excellence for our customers while offering exciting careers for people of all backgrounds. I hope you’ll join us as we continue to grow and innovate.

– Sarah E. Nash

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